Watch our data-driven videos with industry cutting-edge solutions that remove the burden of buying, leasing, and servicing printers while simplifying toner ordering and inventory management.
Printing Too Much
“Print volumes drop by 10% when people believe their usage is being monitored”.
Cost Visibility
“Office Printing tends to be the #4 business operating expense behind payroll, rent and utilities”.
Printer Service Issues
“27% of all IT Help Desk Calls are printer related”
Multiple Print Vendors
“It costs approximately $15 – $25 for most businesses to process an invoice”.
Reactive Toner Ordering
“80% of businesses still order toner on a reactive basis”.
Excessive Waste from Printing Too Much
“20% of printed pages are never used”.
No Cartridge Recycling
“70% of empty print cartridges go directly to landfill”.
Too Many Printer Issues
“Office workers that make $50K per year cost $25 per hour”.
No Mobile Print Strategy
“30% of mobile workers want to print but can’t”.
Cartridge Inventory Issues
“20% of print cartridges in supply cabinets are outdated or unusable”.